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Oxcart transportation in Costa Rica, come to Costa Rica and experience it's friendly culture


Starts in
San José
Departure time


Camera, Walking Shoes and Binoculars

We leave at 5:00 am from San Jose. We head towards the community of Montserrat in Coronado until we reach El Tronco and then enjoy a delicious traditional firewood breakfast in our shelter.

This tour is 100% geared towards people that enjoy Bird Watching. On this tour we can see many of around 200 bird species, including the Quetzal, Jilguero, Rualdo, Alcon, Mosqueteros, and much more.

Hummingbird in Costa Rica  Up close to Nature in Costa Rica  Quetzal in Costa Rica

Quetzals are strikingly colored birds of the trogon family (Trogonidae) found in tropical regions of the Americas.

The word "quetzal" was originally used for just the Resplendent Quetzal, Pharomachrus mocinno, the famous long-tailed quetzal of Central America, which is the national bird of Guatemala. It still often refers to that bird specifically but now also names all the species of the genera Pharomachrus and Euptilotis.

Hike in the trail that is used only by Bird Watchers and then enjoy a delicious traditional firewood lunch in our shelter.

After lunch, we travel to El Rodeo de Coronado, a cattle area where you will enjoy the unforgettable tour of dairy, where you can discover everything about this business that for over 100 years has been developed in our county

Dairy farm in Costa Rica

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Nature Escape Costa Rica Travel Agency and Tour Operator
Whatsapp: +506 8381-7178
24 hour phone: +506 8381-7178 | **From USA dial 011 instead of +
E-mail: | P.O. Box:  11997-1000 San José, Costa Rica

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Governmental License OT-340